Before changing the bulb in your electric fireplace you’ll need to have the right type and wattage of electric fireplace bulb ready to replace the old one.
Electric fireplaces commonly use the E12 type bulb.
You can find these types of bulbs right here.
Before ordering your replacement bulb(s) be sure to check the instruction manual for your particular model of electric fireplace to see what type of bulb it takes.
You can also remove the current bulb and buy one that matches it.
Before attempting to undertake any maintenance in your electric fireplace, such as changing a light bulb, ensure that the fireplace is either unplugged from the wall or that the power to it has been turned off.
If you’ve recently used your electric fireplace then also be sure to leave it standing until it has completely cooled down before changing the bulb.
In order to reach the compartment inside your electric fireplace where the bulb is located you’ll first need to remove the access cover.
The location of the access cover will differ between each type and model of fireplace but it’s typically located at the back of the unit.
There may be a small access cover that can be removed or you may need to remove the whole of the back of the unit in order to reach the bulb.
For our particular model of electric fireplace we need to remove the complete back cover to get to the components inside.