As electric fireplaces run on electricity, the flames aren’t real.
Many modern electric fireplaces now use LEDs to help create the flame effects but some models may still use bulbs. LEDs are rated to last many more times longer than bulbs.
If your new electric fireplace uses a bulb rather than LEDs then you may need to change the bulb every couple of years when it has blown.
Other than needing to change a bulb in your electric fireplace every so often (unless it uses LEDs) there isn’t much maintenance when it comes to looking after an electric fireplace.
Compared to other types of fireplace such as wood burning, there’s nothing to setup at the start of a fire and nothing to clean up at the end. There are also no byproducts such as smoke or gas produced and so you won’t need to maintain a chimney or flue either.
Dust should be removed from the heater inlet and/or outlet when required but no other cleaning is as essential (you can read more about cleaning requirements for electric fireplaces here).
Electric Fireplace Maintenance – Summary
Electric fireplaces don’t need as much maintenance or cleaning as can be required for other types of fireplace.
Some models of electric fireplace may still use bulbs to generate the flames, which you can expect to have to change every couple of years through normal use.
When buying an electric fireplace check to see what type of bulb it uses. LEDs are rated to last many times longer than halogen bulbs.
Many models of electric fireplaces can be found with an array of features including:
Thermostatic control
Remote control
Timer functionality
Multi-color flames
Flame only functionality
Overheat protection
Flame speed and brightness control
Thermostatic control allows you to be able to set a desired temperature for a room, and an electric fireplace will bring the room up to that temperature can keep it there by turning itself on an off.