Electric fireplaces don’t produce smoke or any other gas byproducts, meaning that harmful gases such carbon monoxide can’t be released into your home.
This is because the flames in an electric fireplace aren’t real. The flames are instead produced either by an LED screen or by a rotary style light that creates the illusion of a real flame. I’ve gone into more depth about how a flame in an electric fireplace works if you’d like to know more.
Burning wood and gas releases carbon dioxide as a byproduct, but carbon monoxide can be released if the fuel isn’t burnt properly. Carbon monoxide is a colorless gas that has no taste or smell, and can be lethal if inhaled in large concentrations.
Smoke inhalation can be irritable, especially if you suffer from asthma. A blocked chimney can also cause smoke and harmful gases to enter your home, and leave your home smelling of smoke after a fire.
An electric fireplace doesn’t produce any byproducts from heating your room, meaning that you won’t have to worry about the potential side effects of using your fireplace.