Electric fireplaces aim to replicate the experience of having a real fire in your home, with many imitating the look of another type of fireplace such as wood burning fireplaces or stoves.
Electric fireplaces don’t have real flames and so produce their own flame effects and use a heater to generate heat.
So do electric fireplaces look real?
Modern electric fireplaces can provide a very close look and feel of a real fire. The realism of an electric fireplace will be influenced by the quality of the flame effects, technology and materials used to create the look of a real fireplace.
We’ve discussed in more detail below whether electric fireplaces look real and why some can look more real than others, as well as showing what our own electric fireplace looks like in terms of realism.
Electric fireplaces don’t have a real fire and so the flames in an electric fireplace needs to be produced artificially.
A real fire can be hard to imitate with a high level of realism, but the technology for flame effects in electric fireplace has developed over recent years and many modern electric fireplaces can offer very realistic fire experiences.
Some electric fireplaces will look more realistic than others. Many will use simpler ways to produce the flame effects while others will go all out in producing the best looking fire possible.
How real an electric fireplace look can be influenced by: